At The Space we work towards balance and transformation at your core. As your Holistic Transformational Coach, I will coach your body, mind and spirit. I am here to guide you on your journey from the head, to the heart, to your intuitive core – so that you can realign with your deep inner wisdom and start living a fulfilling and authentic life.
At The Space we work towards balance and transformation at your core. As your Holistic Transformational Coach, I will coach your body, mind and spirit. I am here to guide you on your journey from the head, to the heart, to your intuitive core – so that you can realign with your deep inner wisdom and start living a fulfilling and authentic life.
Holistic Core Coaching is a unique holistic life coaching method that looks at you from the lens of the whole person: your body, your mind, and your energy (i.e spirit).
What started as the creation of my Yogalates-X group classes- which stemmed from my years of experience in movement coaching, fitness, Yoga, Pilates, somatics and mindfulness- has now grown to incorporate my passion and extensive training in human behaviour and development as well.
The result is a fully personalised 1:1 holistic life coaching package which combines coaching your 4M’s: your Mindset, your Movement, your Mindfulness, and your Energy metrics. This coaching umbrella will support you physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.
We’ll talk about your goals, desires and challenges and explore your Mindset through Core Energy Coaching™. This process will unravel your layers, discover and peel off whatever blockages, limiting beliefs, or protective mechanisms so that we can begin to access what is truly at your core.
We’ll measure your life energy levels through the ELI ™ assessment which looks at how you show up energetically in the different areas of your life. This will help you pinpoint how your perspectives are working “for” or “against” you, opening space for new choices in moving forward and creating successful outcomes.
We’ll deepen your mind-body connection through various somatic movement practices, building physical strength, opening the body, and calming the mind at the same time.
You’ll learn Mindfulness practices for immediate stress release through breathwork and various other tools.
Depending on your individual goals, needs, particular situation, and ELI results, I create a holistic coaching program tailor made exclusively for you.
At The Space 3 packages are offered to meet your needs.
For events, public speaking, and workshops contact me:
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